ATP1S Survivor Select
Harvard Medical School has found that tiredness or lack of energy is the main health concern among the American through some scientific studies. Human are desire energy food which able to provide instant energy supply to maintain a good energy and keep the body fresh always in life under a stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Human are suffer from tiredness and sleepy due to overuse of bio energy of body. Therefore, energy food becomes a basic and part of nutrition for today.
The body cells suffer from function decreasing and low basal metabolism due to toxins accumulation and mal-absorption of nutrient at cellular level. The malfunction of body system may increases the risk of chronic diseases and premature aging. Therefore, a balance diet, sufficient of oxygen and water supply are the bases to promote better bio energy or Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production at mitochondrial to ensure normal body systems regulations towards an energetic and longevity life.
The Unique of ATP Survivor Select
1. Extracted from unpolluted & high temperature deserts' plants
ATP1 Survivor2 contains bush food which harvested from the 1800 km desert of West Australia (the temperature can be reached up to 50-55 degree Celsius). The bush foods contain high level of trace elements, antioxidants and phyto-chemicals which play an important role to promote total health balance. The Deputy Researcher of New Wales University, Victor Cherikoff, a global expert of bush food has found that bush food contains plenty of antioxidants, vitamin, immune enhancer, anti-tumor, muscle relaxing agents and other compounds which rare in plantation plant but very good to promote health and anti-aging. The bush food in ATP1S Survivor Select able to promote better and rapid bio energy production at cellular level compared to ATP1 Survivor 2, another good cellular energy food for human health.
2. Comprehensive Cellular Food with wide range of nutrients
ATP1Survivor 2 contains a wide spectrum of vitamin, minerals, amino acids and enzymes which provides a complete formulation of cellular nutrition. It is extracted from valuable ingredients from Australia which able fortified the daily dietary intake to ensure a balance nutrient intake for basic cell requirement. This is very important to reduce risk of nutrient imbalance or malnutrition due to
unhealthy dietary intake, environmental pollutions, stress lifestyle etc which can increase the risk of morbidity. ATP1 Survivor 2 is natural food and energy supplement for Australian native population who can walks hundred miles daily at desert.
3. Rapid absorption by body cell
ATPS Survivor Select provides a wide range of essential amino acids for body cell. It is provides high bioavailability nutrients through biotechnology applied which restructure the nutrients to form “pre-digested” nutrients. The “Pre-digested” form nutrients can promotes
4. Excellent energy food for optimum health
ATP1Survivor 2 contains three main ingredients: Australian Super Bee Pollen, Australian dessert plants and Wheatgrass sprout. ATPS Survivor Select contains at least 5 times more of Australia Super Bee Pollen and at least 3 times greater of wild desert plants compared to ATP1 Survivor 2. Therefore ATPS Survivor Select is an excellent cellular energy food which can provide better and faster bio energy supplement to each body cell to promote optimal total health balance of body cell. Super Bee Pollen contains 35% amino acid, 40% natural polysaccharides, 5% fatty acids and 3% trace minerals which has been certified as an excellent energy food for human being. Beside that, ATPS Survivor Select contains abundant of chlorophyll and vitamin which is the best alkaline food for human being. Furthermore, ATPS Survivor Select contains Australian dessert plants which can provide more phyto-chemicals such as anti oxidants, anti-tumor and anti radiation. The combination of unique ingredients can be an excellent cellular energy food.
Native Australian Super Bee-Pollen, Organic Australian Wheatgrass Sprout (BFA), Royal Jelly, Plum, Lime, Peppermint, Lemon & Propolis.
Main Benefits
Stimulates instant bio-energy production at cellular level to ensure sufficient supply of bio energy to body cell to keep the body cell:
Add a full spoon (5g) ATP1S Survivor Select in glass of water, juices or any beverages and drinks freshly. Suggest taking before meal.
Keep at cool and dry place. Suggest finishing the ATP1S Survivor Select within 60 days after opening.
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Harvard Medical School has found that tiredness or lack of energy is the main health concern among the American through some scientific studies. Human are desire energy food which able to provide instant energy supply to maintain a good energy and keep the body fresh always in life under a stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Human are suffer from tiredness and sleepy due to overuse of bio energy of body. Therefore, energy food becomes a basic and part of nutrition for today.
The body cells suffer from function decreasing and low basal metabolism due to toxins accumulation and mal-absorption of nutrient at cellular level. The malfunction of body system may increases the risk of chronic diseases and premature aging. Therefore, a balance diet, sufficient of oxygen and water supply are the bases to promote better bio energy or Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production at mitochondrial to ensure normal body systems regulations towards an energetic and longevity life.
The Unique of ATP Survivor Select
1. Extracted from unpolluted & high temperature deserts' plants
ATP1 Survivor2 contains bush food which harvested from the 1800 km desert of West Australia (the temperature can be reached up to 50-55 degree Celsius). The bush foods contain high level of trace elements, antioxidants and phyto-chemicals which play an important role to promote total health balance. The Deputy Researcher of New Wales University, Victor Cherikoff, a global expert of bush food has found that bush food contains plenty of antioxidants, vitamin, immune enhancer, anti-tumor, muscle relaxing agents and other compounds which rare in plantation plant but very good to promote health and anti-aging. The bush food in ATP1S Survivor Select able to promote better and rapid bio energy production at cellular level compared to ATP1 Survivor 2, another good cellular energy food for human health.
2. Comprehensive Cellular Food with wide range of nutrients
ATP1Survivor 2 contains a wide spectrum of vitamin, minerals, amino acids and enzymes which provides a complete formulation of cellular nutrition. It is extracted from valuable ingredients from Australia which able fortified the daily dietary intake to ensure a balance nutrient intake for basic cell requirement. This is very important to reduce risk of nutrient imbalance or malnutrition due to
unhealthy dietary intake, environmental pollutions, stress lifestyle etc which can increase the risk of morbidity. ATP1 Survivor 2 is natural food and energy supplement for Australian native population who can walks hundred miles daily at desert.
3. Rapid absorption by body cell
ATPS Survivor Select provides a wide range of essential amino acids for body cell. It is provides high bioavailability nutrients through biotechnology applied which restructure the nutrients to form “pre-digested” nutrients. The “Pre-digested” form nutrients can promotes
4. Excellent energy food for optimum health
ATP1Survivor 2 contains three main ingredients: Australian Super Bee Pollen, Australian dessert plants and Wheatgrass sprout. ATPS Survivor Select contains at least 5 times more of Australia Super Bee Pollen and at least 3 times greater of wild desert plants compared to ATP1 Survivor 2. Therefore ATPS Survivor Select is an excellent cellular energy food which can provide better and faster bio energy supplement to each body cell to promote optimal total health balance of body cell. Super Bee Pollen contains 35% amino acid, 40% natural polysaccharides, 5% fatty acids and 3% trace minerals which has been certified as an excellent energy food for human being. Beside that, ATPS Survivor Select contains abundant of chlorophyll and vitamin which is the best alkaline food for human being. Furthermore, ATPS Survivor Select contains Australian dessert plants which can provide more phyto-chemicals such as anti oxidants, anti-tumor and anti radiation. The combination of unique ingredients can be an excellent cellular energy food.
Native Australian Super Bee-Pollen, Organic Australian Wheatgrass Sprout (BFA), Royal Jelly, Plum, Lime, Peppermint, Lemon & Propolis.
Main Benefits
Stimulates instant bio-energy production at cellular level to ensure sufficient supply of bio energy to body cell to keep the body cell:
- Vitality: Keep the body fresh, energetic and relieves tiredness.
- Mentality: Promotes better concentration, improves memory and learning.
- Promotes better metabolism at cellular level to enhance:
- Enhances the body health status.
- Speeds up the fat burning in body to prevent obesity.
- Promotes healthy and optimal growth of children:
- Promotes better growth of bone system and teeth structure.
- Promotes better growth of muscle tissue.
- Improves the digestion and nutrient absorption powers of body cell.
Add a full spoon (5g) ATP1S Survivor Select in glass of water, juices or any beverages and drinks freshly. Suggest taking before meal.
Keep at cool and dry place. Suggest finishing the ATP1S Survivor Select within 60 days after opening.
ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate
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Oxygen lives your health!
Oxygen is the basic element to sustain life. We can survive without food and water for few days. However, we cannot survive without oxygen for just a few minutes. Oxygen is the basic element to stimulate cellular metabolism in body to promote total health balance
Oxygen deficiency causes premature aging & Diseases
There are many metabolism disorders occurred and increasing risk of many chronic diseases in body always suffers from oxygen deficiency at cellular level. Oxygen deficiency can cause some discomfort symptoms such as dizzy, poor concentration, tiredness, sleepy, poor memory power, low working performance which quite affected to the daily life. The long term of oxygen deficiency can increases the risk of chronic diseases especially to promote tumor formation, per-mature aging, blood circulation disorders etc due to toxins accumulation. We should always keep the body in high oxygen environment to prevent chronic diseases relating to oxygen deficiency due to the environment issues.
Dr.Otto Heinrich Warburg, a Germany Scientist who had won Nobel Prize (Medical) year 1931 has found that low oxygen level (<65%) at the cellular level can increase the risk of cancer and tumor formation.
Low oxygen condition stimulates the over production of free radicals on body. Free radical is an unstable substance which lack of electron and can attack and damage healthy cell through oxidation reactions. Oxygen deficiency and free radical are the two main factors to speed up the pre-mature aging process and increase the risk of chronic diseases due to cell damaged and cell mutation.
The Unique of ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate
1. Formulation is based on the principle of scientific
Human are looking second source of oxygen supply due to the environmental pollution. Based on the research that had carried on by some global scientists, water is another good source of oxygen supply for human being and helps to improve oxygen deficiency condition. This is the basic way to keep the body healthy and prevents some chronic diseases in body. ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate utilizes a unique proprietary water splitting technology to create "Free Spinning' oxygen and important hydrogen in the body. Many scientists agree that most diseases and infection is caused by oxygen starvation at cellular level. Energized Mineral Concentrate may help to generate more oxygen!
2. Arising of dissolved oxygen level of water up to 40%
Based on the laboratory test on dissolved oxygen which done by PERMULAB Sdn Bhd, ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate can increases the level of dissolved oxygen of filtered water up to 7.26mg/L (5.17mg/L form starting) or 40% increasing of dissolved oxygen in water. The increasing dissolved oxygen can be absorbed rapidly by body cell at cellular level and improves the condition of oxygen deficiency in body.
3. Able to eliminate and prohibits the growth of harmful bacteria
Based on the challenge test of ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate which had done by PERMULAB Sdn Bhd, Malaysia on selected harmful bacteria, the result has found that ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate can eliminates and prohibits the growth of harmful bacteria in body:
Oxygen is the basic element to sustain life. We can survive without food and water for few days. However, we cannot survive without oxygen for just a few minutes. Oxygen is the basic element to stimulate cellular metabolism in body to promote total health balance
Oxygen deficiency causes premature aging & Diseases
There are many metabolism disorders occurred and increasing risk of many chronic diseases in body always suffers from oxygen deficiency at cellular level. Oxygen deficiency can cause some discomfort symptoms such as dizzy, poor concentration, tiredness, sleepy, poor memory power, low working performance which quite affected to the daily life. The long term of oxygen deficiency can increases the risk of chronic diseases especially to promote tumor formation, per-mature aging, blood circulation disorders etc due to toxins accumulation. We should always keep the body in high oxygen environment to prevent chronic diseases relating to oxygen deficiency due to the environment issues.
Dr.Otto Heinrich Warburg, a Germany Scientist who had won Nobel Prize (Medical) year 1931 has found that low oxygen level (<65%) at the cellular level can increase the risk of cancer and tumor formation.
Low oxygen condition stimulates the over production of free radicals on body. Free radical is an unstable substance which lack of electron and can attack and damage healthy cell through oxidation reactions. Oxygen deficiency and free radical are the two main factors to speed up the pre-mature aging process and increase the risk of chronic diseases due to cell damaged and cell mutation.
The Unique of ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate
1. Formulation is based on the principle of scientific
Human are looking second source of oxygen supply due to the environmental pollution. Based on the research that had carried on by some global scientists, water is another good source of oxygen supply for human being and helps to improve oxygen deficiency condition. This is the basic way to keep the body healthy and prevents some chronic diseases in body. ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate utilizes a unique proprietary water splitting technology to create "Free Spinning' oxygen and important hydrogen in the body. Many scientists agree that most diseases and infection is caused by oxygen starvation at cellular level. Energized Mineral Concentrate may help to generate more oxygen!
2. Arising of dissolved oxygen level of water up to 40%
Based on the laboratory test on dissolved oxygen which done by PERMULAB Sdn Bhd, ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate can increases the level of dissolved oxygen of filtered water up to 7.26mg/L (5.17mg/L form starting) or 40% increasing of dissolved oxygen in water. The increasing dissolved oxygen can be absorbed rapidly by body cell at cellular level and improves the condition of oxygen deficiency in body.
3. Able to eliminate and prohibits the growth of harmful bacteria
Based on the challenge test of ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate which had done by PERMULAB Sdn Bhd, Malaysia on selected harmful bacteria, the result has found that ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate can eliminates and prohibits the growth of harmful bacteria in body:
- E.colli: causes diarrhea, vomiting and food poisoning etc
- S.paratyphi: causes diarrhea, gastro intestinal infections, typhoid
- S.aureus: causes food poisoning, lung infections etc
4. Nanotechnology applied to provide rapid absorption of mineral complex
ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate provides at least 68 types of ionic trace minerals which presenting in high zeta potential and smaller structure. Ionic trace minerals can promote better and rapid absorption by body cell at cellular level. Furthermore, ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate provides abundant of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in body to prevent chronic diseases and pre-mature aging.
5. Natural plant sources extraction
ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate is a high safety consumption of health supplement which provides natural and preservatives free nutrition product to promote total health balance. ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate has certified as safe product and do not cause any side effect through the basic safety analysis tests on microbial and heavy metals which done in laboratory
ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate provides at least 68 types of ionic trace minerals which presenting in high zeta potential and smaller structure. Ionic trace minerals can promote better and rapid absorption by body cell at cellular level. Furthermore, ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate provides abundant of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in body to prevent chronic diseases and pre-mature aging.
5. Natural plant sources extraction
ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate is a high safety consumption of health supplement which provides natural and preservatives free nutrition product to promote total health balance. ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate has certified as safe product and do not cause any side effect through the basic safety analysis tests on microbial and heavy metals which done in laboratory
- Purified Water
- Plant extracted enzymes
- Plant source amino acids
- Trace minerals
Main Benefits:
- ATP2 Energized Mineral Concentrate provides a series of enzymes which helps to break down the toxins and by- product to promote cellular detoxification and better blood circulation through removing wastes from body.
- Promotes better detoxification at cellular level thus to improve blood circulation and oxygenates blood and body cells. This is the key to enhance normal cellular metabolism towards a total health balance.
- Enhance energy production to reduce tiredness and keep the body energetic.
- Creates a high oxygen environment which able to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria thus to minimize inflammatory of infection diseases.
- Neutralizes the excessive of free radical in body to protect body cell from damage due to oxidation reactions.
Wake up: Add 4 drops respectively in two glasses of water and drink freshly after waking up to promote better detoxification.
Do not mix with dairy products (milk or soy milk).
Wake up: Add 4 drops respectively in two glasses of water and drink freshly after waking up to promote better detoxification.
Do not mix with dairy products (milk or soy milk).
Please take an hour later if you have just taken any medicines and milk products.
Keep in dry and cool place.
Keep in dry and cool place.
ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag
1. Natural plant source extraction
ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag is 100% natural and plant source Magnesium and Calcium supplement which do not contain any additive or preservatives in formulation. ATP3 Supreme Body Complex provides high bioavailability of ionic calcium & magnesium which does not cause allergy or side effects such as stone problem.
2. High absorption bioavailability through
The indigested and poor absorbed calcium must been removed from body through liver and kidney. It will increase the workload of vital organs in body and may cause stone formation issue in body. Therefore, high absorbable calcium is main concern for better calcium supplement selection to promote better health status. ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag provides a high absorbable of calcium and magnesium combination at cellular level which can enhance better effect of health improvement through:
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Calcium for Health!
Calcium is the major minerals in body. It is playing an important role in healthy growth of skeleton and muscle systems. Basically nearly 99% of calcium had absorbed and stored in skeleton and teeth while around 1% is distributed in blood and other parts of body. Calcium plays an important role in tissue and nerve connections in body. Furthermore, it also helps to normalize heart beat, blood clothing and other essential bio mechanisms in body.
Based on the recommended daily allowance (RDA), we need to take 1200mg calcium to maintain the basic health of body especially for muscle contraction and nerves connection. Calcium deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis, artery hardening, dementia, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension etc. Therefore, calcium intake is one of the vital factor to maintain optimal body health.
Some facts you must know.
The bone density increasing through better calcium intake at cellular level since we have born. Based on the scientific physiology studies, the increasing of bone density achieved a peak at age 28-35 years old. However, the bone density will start to decrease after the peak age especially around the middle age. Basically, the bone density reduced 0.3 - 0.5% annually among the middle age while 3.0 - 5.0% annually for those suffer from menopause due to decreasing of progesterone production. The reduction of bone density increases the risk of osteoporosis in future.
There are at least a million of Malaysian suffer from osteoporosis. Approximately 20% of the osteoporosis respondents are male. Based on some studies in Taiwan, one of the nine Taiwanese suffer from severe osteoporosis especially among the women (one of the four Taiwanese female suffer from severe osteoporosis).
The Unique of ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag :
Calcium is the major minerals in body. It is playing an important role in healthy growth of skeleton and muscle systems. Basically nearly 99% of calcium had absorbed and stored in skeleton and teeth while around 1% is distributed in blood and other parts of body. Calcium plays an important role in tissue and nerve connections in body. Furthermore, it also helps to normalize heart beat, blood clothing and other essential bio mechanisms in body.
Based on the recommended daily allowance (RDA), we need to take 1200mg calcium to maintain the basic health of body especially for muscle contraction and nerves connection. Calcium deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis, artery hardening, dementia, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension etc. Therefore, calcium intake is one of the vital factor to maintain optimal body health.
Some facts you must know.
The bone density increasing through better calcium intake at cellular level since we have born. Based on the scientific physiology studies, the increasing of bone density achieved a peak at age 28-35 years old. However, the bone density will start to decrease after the peak age especially around the middle age. Basically, the bone density reduced 0.3 - 0.5% annually among the middle age while 3.0 - 5.0% annually for those suffer from menopause due to decreasing of progesterone production. The reduction of bone density increases the risk of osteoporosis in future.
There are at least a million of Malaysian suffer from osteoporosis. Approximately 20% of the osteoporosis respondents are male. Based on some studies in Taiwan, one of the nine Taiwanese suffer from severe osteoporosis especially among the women (one of the four Taiwanese female suffer from severe osteoporosis).
The Unique of ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag :
1. Natural plant source extraction
ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag is 100% natural and plant source Magnesium and Calcium supplement which do not contain any additive or preservatives in formulation. ATP3 Supreme Body Complex provides high bioavailability of ionic calcium & magnesium which does not cause allergy or side effects such as stone problem.
2. High absorption bioavailability through
The indigested and poor absorbed calcium must been removed from body through liver and kidney. It will increase the workload of vital organs in body and may cause stone formation issue in body. Therefore, high absorbable calcium is main concern for better calcium supplement selection to promote better health status. ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag provides a high absorbable of calcium and magnesium combination at cellular level which can enhance better effect of health improvement through:
- Combination of Magnesium & Calcium in 1:3: This basic formulation can enhances the absorption at cellular level by body cell.
- Apple vinegar: ATP3 Ionized Cal-Mag fortified with natural apple vinegar which can increase the absorption rate at cellular level.
- Ionic form: Biotechnology and Nano technology applied to provide ionic and small structure of calcium and magnesium which can promotes better absorption at cellular level.
Main Ingredient:
- Calcium Gluconate
- Magnesium Carbonate
- Apple Cider
Main Benefits
- Strengthens the bone system and promotes better bone development. Furthermore, it also prevents calcium losing and prevents osteoporosis.
- Strengthens the teeth structure and prevent teeth damaged.
- Provides abundant of ionic trace minerals to prevent chronic diseases through:
- Promotes better blood circulation to stabilize blood pressure.
- As buffer which play an import role in acid-base regulation (Blood pH7.25 - 7.45).
- Promotes better relaxing of center nerves system and enhances sleep quality.
- Promotes better relaxing of muscle to prevent muscle sore and cramps.
Add a spoon of ATP3 in hot water and drink after the powder is fully dissolved in water, suggest taking 1-2 times daily before meal or before sleep. You may add ATP3 into any fruit juices or drinks.
Please take an hour later if you have just taken any medicines for the best result.
Keep in dry and cool place.
Add a spoon of ATP3 in hot water and drink after the powder is fully dissolved in water, suggest taking 1-2 times daily before meal or before sleep. You may add ATP3 into any fruit juices or drinks.
Please take an hour later if you have just taken any medicines for the best result.
Keep in dry and cool place.
ATP4 Omega Blend
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How much do you know of FAT?
High fat intake from diet can increases the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart diseases, heart attack, stroke etc which can cause acute death if the condition getting worst. However, base on the nutrition fact, fat is one of the main nutrients to sustain life. The body may suffer from many disorders such as inflammatory, hormone imbalance and low organ protections if lack of fat supply in body.
Basically fatty acid can divides to poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and saturated fatty acids. We should take the unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in proper amount to promote better circulation functions and normalizes the body functions thus to prevent chronic diseases.
Based on the food analysis, animal fats, coconut oil and palm oil contains high level of saturated fatty acids but low in unsaturated fatty acids. People who suffered from cardiovascular diseases are recommended to reduce animal fast but increasing of plant source fatty acids to regulate normal mechanism in body. The plant source fatty acids such as olive oil, corn oil, seed oil etc which contains high level of unsaturated fatty acids. This is the good source of unsaturated fatty acids for daily diet to prevent cardiovascular disorders.
Fat is diseases factors?
High fat diet is the main factor of cancer formation in body. Based on the nutrition and medical studies, high fat intake in new and modern dietary pattern among the human can stimulates the formation of cancer cell in body and increases the risk of tumor. There are many young generation are high risk of cancer due to high fat intake in diet although the cancer or tumor development may takes 15-45 years.
You need the right fatty acids in life!
Our body needs saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids to regulate normal blood circulation to promote better cardiac function. Some unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the essential fatty acids to enhance cell health. Based on the nutrition studies, Omega 3 and Omega 6 play an important role to regulate normal body system at cellular level. Therefore, the body system will strongly affected and increase risk of irregular heartbeat, unstable of blood pressure and vessel contraction, abnormal of cholesterol metabolism and low immune function if suffers from Omega 3 and Omega 6 deficiencies in diet. Some researchers also had found that low intake of essential fatty acids in diet are strongly affected the nerve connection thus to reduce concentration and learning ability among the student and children.
The Unique of ATP4 Omega Blend
High fat intake from diet can increases the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart diseases, heart attack, stroke etc which can cause acute death if the condition getting worst. However, base on the nutrition fact, fat is one of the main nutrients to sustain life. The body may suffer from many disorders such as inflammatory, hormone imbalance and low organ protections if lack of fat supply in body.
Basically fatty acid can divides to poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and saturated fatty acids. We should take the unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in proper amount to promote better circulation functions and normalizes the body functions thus to prevent chronic diseases.
Based on the food analysis, animal fats, coconut oil and palm oil contains high level of saturated fatty acids but low in unsaturated fatty acids. People who suffered from cardiovascular diseases are recommended to reduce animal fast but increasing of plant source fatty acids to regulate normal mechanism in body. The plant source fatty acids such as olive oil, corn oil, seed oil etc which contains high level of unsaturated fatty acids. This is the good source of unsaturated fatty acids for daily diet to prevent cardiovascular disorders.
Fat is diseases factors?
High fat diet is the main factor of cancer formation in body. Based on the nutrition and medical studies, high fat intake in new and modern dietary pattern among the human can stimulates the formation of cancer cell in body and increases the risk of tumor. There are many young generation are high risk of cancer due to high fat intake in diet although the cancer or tumor development may takes 15-45 years.
You need the right fatty acids in life!
Our body needs saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids to regulate normal blood circulation to promote better cardiac function. Some unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the essential fatty acids to enhance cell health. Based on the nutrition studies, Omega 3 and Omega 6 play an important role to regulate normal body system at cellular level. Therefore, the body system will strongly affected and increase risk of irregular heartbeat, unstable of blood pressure and vessel contraction, abnormal of cholesterol metabolism and low immune function if suffers from Omega 3 and Omega 6 deficiencies in diet. Some researchers also had found that low intake of essential fatty acids in diet are strongly affected the nerve connection thus to reduce concentration and learning ability among the student and children.
The Unique of ATP4 Omega Blend
- Natural plant source essential fatty acids
ATP4 Omega Blend provides natural and balancing of Omega 3 and Omega 6 which extracted from plant source. Furthermore, ATP4 Omega Blend provides free preservatives and animal elements of essential fatty acids which do not cause any allergy reactions. - Complete combination of Omega series in formulation
Each plant cannot provide a complete combination of Omega 3 and Omega 6. ATP4 Omega Blend provides a complete series of Omega 3 and Omega 6 from at least 7 types of natural plants sources through the unique formulation. This is one of the most secret of ATP4 Omega Blend to provide more natural and quality of unsaturated & essential fatty acids for human in diet toward an optimum health among the human being.
- Walnut oil, Sesame Oil, Black Currant Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Sunflower Oil, Evening Primrose Oil & Coconut Oil.
Main Benefits:
- Regulates Cholesterol and triglycerides levels to promote better blood circulation. This is the basic prevention way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as artery blockage and strokes.
- Omega 2 helps to eliminate inflammatory and promotes better cell repairing.
- Omega 3 and Omega 6 helps to regulate hormone production and regulation in body. The balancing of hormones secretions promotes better cell repairing and improves the skin healthy.
- Essential fatty acids such as DHA can promotes healthy growth of brain cell which can increases the memory and concentration powers thus improve the learning ability among the children.
Suggests taking twice daily with a table spoon (5ml) for each time of taking; taking before meal or add to juices or foods.
Suggest finishing the ATP4 within 60 days after opening.
Keep in dry and cool place.
Suggests taking twice daily with a table spoon (5ml) for each time of taking; taking before meal or add to juices or foods.
Suggest finishing the ATP4 within 60 days after opening.
Keep in dry and cool place.
ATP5 BetaMaxx
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Immune system is the protection base of Health!
Immune system is the basic of health protection. Its plays a major role of body protection to viruses and bacteria which can cause many communicable diseases. As we know we are living under an environment which saturated to microorganisms and high risk of infection or communicable diseases. The harmful microorganisms can penetrate into body through air, water and even food. These factors can increase the risk of infection and formation of abnormal cell in body.
Based on the terminology of microorganism, the harmful bacteria and virus have duplicated in body and attacked to the healthy cell and cause many type of communicable diseases in body. If the infection getting worst, the affected body cell will mutated to form abnormal cell and cause high risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and tumor in body. Therefore, immune response is the main part of body protection to strengthen the internal and external immunity responses of cell to achieve a total health balance.
ATP5 Betamaxx is unique & excellent functional substances of Immunology
Some researches & development of beta glucan which extracted from yeast properties originated in the 1940's by Pillemer and his colleagues described a crude yeast cell wall preparation, Zymosan is one of the best properties to activate the macrophage in body. They reported that this material was able to stimulate non-specific immunity. It was unknown at that time which element of this composition, containing a relatively crude mixture of protein, lipids and polysaccharides actually activated the immune response.
The answer came later in the 1960's, when Dr. Nicholas Diluzio at Tulane University experimented with the beta 1,3 glucan of BetaMaxx. In 1989, Dr. Joyce Czop, at Harvard University, went on to describe the mode of action of this material in stimulating the immune system. There is a specific receptor on the surface of certain cells, called macrophages that when activated, stimulate a cascade of events turning the body into "an arsenal of defense".
ATP5 Betamaxx contains high level of beta1,3 glucan which can easily absorbed by body cells to stimulate the normal function of macrophages thus to enhance a series of self defense ability in body. This is the first and front defense system of body system to prevent virus and bacteria infections and to monitor the normal functions of body.
The Unique of ATP5 Betamaxx
Immune system is the basic of health protection. Its plays a major role of body protection to viruses and bacteria which can cause many communicable diseases. As we know we are living under an environment which saturated to microorganisms and high risk of infection or communicable diseases. The harmful microorganisms can penetrate into body through air, water and even food. These factors can increase the risk of infection and formation of abnormal cell in body.
Based on the terminology of microorganism, the harmful bacteria and virus have duplicated in body and attacked to the healthy cell and cause many type of communicable diseases in body. If the infection getting worst, the affected body cell will mutated to form abnormal cell and cause high risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and tumor in body. Therefore, immune response is the main part of body protection to strengthen the internal and external immunity responses of cell to achieve a total health balance.
ATP5 Betamaxx is unique & excellent functional substances of Immunology
Some researches & development of beta glucan which extracted from yeast properties originated in the 1940's by Pillemer and his colleagues described a crude yeast cell wall preparation, Zymosan is one of the best properties to activate the macrophage in body. They reported that this material was able to stimulate non-specific immunity. It was unknown at that time which element of this composition, containing a relatively crude mixture of protein, lipids and polysaccharides actually activated the immune response.
The answer came later in the 1960's, when Dr. Nicholas Diluzio at Tulane University experimented with the beta 1,3 glucan of BetaMaxx. In 1989, Dr. Joyce Czop, at Harvard University, went on to describe the mode of action of this material in stimulating the immune system. There is a specific receptor on the surface of certain cells, called macrophages that when activated, stimulate a cascade of events turning the body into "an arsenal of defense".
ATP5 Betamaxx contains high level of beta1,3 glucan which can easily absorbed by body cells to stimulate the normal function of macrophages thus to enhance a series of self defense ability in body. This is the first and front defense system of body system to prevent virus and bacteria infections and to monitor the normal functions of body.
The Unique of ATP5 Betamaxx
1. High Bioavailability which can rapid absorbed at cellular level
ATP5 Betamaxx is derived from cell wall of baker’s yeast through biotechnology which able to modify the molecule consequence to present in high zeta potential (high bioavailability) to promote better and faster absorption at cellular level.
ATP5 Betamaxx is derived from cell wall of baker’s yeast through biotechnology which able to modify the molecule consequence to present in high zeta potential (high bioavailability) to promote better and faster absorption at cellular level.
2. An excellence functional immunology food
ATP5 Betamaxx contains beta 1,3 glucan which scientifically can enhances the immune response. Based on the studies done by Berlin University, Germany, beta 1,3 glucan in ATP5 is the best functional immunology food which can improves the function of immunity and is a great breaking in Immunology.
ATP5 Betamaxx contains beta 1,3 glucan which scientifically can enhances the immune response. Based on the studies done by Berlin University, Germany, beta 1,3 glucan in ATP5 is the best functional immunology food which can improves the function of immunity and is a great breaking in Immunology.
3. Natural & safe to consume
The natural beta 1,3 glucan which fully derived from cell wall of baker’s yeast does not contains any DNA or RNA materials of baker yeast,. Therefore, it is very safe for consumption and does not cause any allergy reactions. Moreover, ATP5 Betamaxx does not contain any preservatives and additives which is natural functional food for human to enhance the immune system.
The natural beta 1,3 glucan which fully derived from cell wall of baker’s yeast does not contains any DNA or RNA materials of baker yeast,. Therefore, it is very safe for consumption and does not cause any allergy reactions. Moreover, ATP5 Betamaxx does not contain any preservatives and additives which is natural functional food for human to enhance the immune system.
4. Certified as excellent immune strengthener through medical researches
Research done by Medical group of Berlin University, Germany on beta 1,3 glucan which extracted from different food sources such as Ling Zi and Blazei Murill. The medical team had found that the beta 1,3 glucan in ATP5 Betamaxx is 30-50 times more potent to stimulate the function of macrophage compared to beta 1,3 glucan which derived from Ling Zi and Blazei Murill. Furthermore, ATP5 Betamaxx provides natural and purified long chain beta 1,3 glucan which more active to stimulate the normal function of macrophage compared to short chain beta 1,3 glucan compounds.
Research done by Medical group of Berlin University, Germany on beta 1,3 glucan which extracted from different food sources such as Ling Zi and Blazei Murill. The medical team had found that the beta 1,3 glucan in ATP5 Betamaxx is 30-50 times more potent to stimulate the function of macrophage compared to beta 1,3 glucan which derived from Ling Zi and Blazei Murill. Furthermore, ATP5 Betamaxx provides natural and purified long chain beta 1,3 glucan which more active to stimulate the normal function of macrophage compared to short chain beta 1,3 glucan compounds.
1. Beta 1,3 glucan from cell wall baker’s yeast
Main Benefits:
1. Strengthens the function of immune cells to build up better immune response of body for:
o External ProtectionActivated immune cell such as macrophage and T cells can eliminates virus and bacteria which attacked to body cell to prevent infection or communicable diseases.
o Internal Protection: Activated immune cells such as macrophage and natural killers can eliminates abnormal cell (cancer cell) and aging cell in body to prevent tumor formation in body. This is very important to reduce the risk of cancer and tumor in body.
2. Beta-1, 3 glucan promotes better cell repairing and prevents inflammatory which play important role in wound healing. It can speed up the wound healing process.
3. Beta 1,3 glucan enhances the function of immune cell to protect body cell from damage due to radiation effects.
4. Prevents faster absorption of sugar into bloodstream to normalize blood sugar level.
Add a full spoon (5g) ATP5 Betamaxx in glass of water, juices or any beverages and drinks freshly. Suggest taking before meal.
Keep in dry and cool place.
AGP1 Iron
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Iron builds your HEALTH!
Iron is one of the major minerals to maintain optimum health. Iron plays an important role in hemoglobin production to improve blood circulation. Therefore, red blood cell is the main source of iron in body. Iron deficiency can increases the risk of plenty of body system disorders such as tiredness, weakness, dizzy, irregular heart beat etc.
Low iron intake from diet can reduce the rate of hemoglobin production thus affecting to oxygen deficiency at cellular level. Oxygen deficiency reduces bio-energy production at mitochondrial and increase the risk of tired, low working and learning performances, even low immune system in future.
Low iron intake in diet for a long term and some abnormal iron losing conditions are the main factors to cause physiological disorders. Women or pregnant mother who suffers from iron deficiency can increase the risk of abnormal development of infant, child stunting, hormone imbalance etc which can strongly decreases the health status . Therefore, we should intake enough iron from diet to minimize the risk of diseases.
Iron is one of the major minerals to maintain optimum health. Iron plays an important role in hemoglobin production to improve blood circulation. Therefore, red blood cell is the main source of iron in body. Iron deficiency can increases the risk of plenty of body system disorders such as tiredness, weakness, dizzy, irregular heart beat etc.
Low iron intake from diet can reduce the rate of hemoglobin production thus affecting to oxygen deficiency at cellular level. Oxygen deficiency reduces bio-energy production at mitochondrial and increase the risk of tired, low working and learning performances, even low immune system in future.
Low iron intake in diet for a long term and some abnormal iron losing conditions are the main factors to cause physiological disorders. Women or pregnant mother who suffers from iron deficiency can increase the risk of abnormal development of infant, child stunting, hormone imbalance etc which can strongly decreases the health status . Therefore, we should intake enough iron from diet to minimize the risk of diseases.
- Colloidal
- Plant source trace minerals
- Purified water
The Unique of AGP1 Revivo
1. High absorbable of colloidal iron
AGP1 Iron provides colloidal iron through nanotechnology which able promotes better absorption at cellular level compared to synthetic iron supplements. Colloidal iron provides high zeta potential and smaller structure of iron which can easily penetrates into cell through ion channel for better nutrient absorption. The synthetic and low zeta potential iron must been digested at gastro-intestine through high energy utilization before for cellular absorption.
2. Natural sources and safe for consumption
AGP1 Iron is extracted from natural ancient rainforest which natural and minor polluted. Furthermore, the highest of quality control in production is the key protection to ensure product safety through the Good manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard in production. AGP1 Iron do not contains any preservatives and food additives which provide an ideal and natural iron supplement to human which do not have allergy reaction and side effect for over consumption.
Main Benefits:
1. Promotion better hemoglobin production to improve iron deficiency anemia. This is the basic way to minimize the risk of iron deficiency and reduce the sign & symptoms such as dizzy, tiredness, migraine etc.
2. Improve blood circulation and prevent some oxygen deficiency symptoms such as tiredness, numbness and cramps through:
o Enhance oxygen and nutrient circulation: to promote better energy production and relief tired, improves concentration and memory power.
o Enhance toxins excretion: promotes better cellular and blood detoxification to remove wastes and toxins from body through renal and liver.
3. Promotes hemoglobin production after bleeding especially after menstrual and accidental bleedings.
Add 4-8 drops of AGP1 Iron in glass of water and drink freshly. Suggest taking in morning and before meal.
Please do not mix with dairy products and gaps at least an hour for those taking medicine or drugs.
Please take an hour later if you have taken any medicines and milk products.
Keep at dry and cool place.
Add 4-8 drops of AGP1 Iron in glass of water and drink freshly. Suggest taking in morning and before meal.
Please do not mix with dairy products and gaps at least an hour for those taking medicine or drugs.
Please take an hour later if you have taken any medicines and milk products.
Keep at dry and cool place.
YFA Young Formula
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You should aware from Pre-mature Aging
We are looking healthy and energetic lifestyle in our life. Furthermore, we are dreaming can enhance the beauty and young always in life. However, the aging is natural process and getting worst during us getting older in life. The environmental pollutions, unbalance of diet intake and unhealthy lifestyle are the main factors to cause pre-mature aging. Therefore, a proper and healthy diet and lifestyle is the basic key to revitalize the body and keep the body young and beauty always!
Aging is not only a natural process but it is a disease that can be prevented and improved. It has been more than 30 thousands research papers on aging and anti-aging so far. Normally, men and women will experience tremendous aging at the age of 35 and 40 respectively and 61 for both.
As we age, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production declines. At the age of 31, the amount of HGH produced falls 14% per decade. However, at 60, HGH is 50% that of age while at 80, HGH is 20% of age.
Now day, we can measures aging process through the high technology and can reverse aging based on the nutrients and hormone replacements. Therefore, selected nutrients intake is the basic to stimulate the normal function of pituitary gland. The activated pituitary gland able to produce more Human Growth Hormone (HGH) to maintain the vitality of body cell and keep the body cell young and fresh to slow down the aging process.
Clinical Trial of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
HGH replacement therapy has implemented for a few years which has stated in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, years 1999 on a group of respondents who HGH deficiency for 10 years. The result had shown:
“Based on the Nottiham Health Chart and the psychology and physiology comparison, those respondents had increasing of muscle tissue and decreasing of adipose tissues and fat deposit in lumen. Furthermore, their psychology and emotional had improved after 10 years therapy on HGH replacement:"
A study done by L. Cass Terry to aged 39-74 years old on HGH replacement therapy has found that the both male and female respondents have a good and positive improvement after receiving HGH replacement therapy. Based on the study, the total cholesterol and triglycerides in lipid profile had decreased while the muscle tissue has increased (80% of improvement) while decreasing of adipose tissue (72% of improvement) in body. The improvement had shown as:
We are looking healthy and energetic lifestyle in our life. Furthermore, we are dreaming can enhance the beauty and young always in life. However, the aging is natural process and getting worst during us getting older in life. The environmental pollutions, unbalance of diet intake and unhealthy lifestyle are the main factors to cause pre-mature aging. Therefore, a proper and healthy diet and lifestyle is the basic key to revitalize the body and keep the body young and beauty always!
Aging is not only a natural process but it is a disease that can be prevented and improved. It has been more than 30 thousands research papers on aging and anti-aging so far. Normally, men and women will experience tremendous aging at the age of 35 and 40 respectively and 61 for both.
As we age, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production declines. At the age of 31, the amount of HGH produced falls 14% per decade. However, at 60, HGH is 50% that of age while at 80, HGH is 20% of age.
Now day, we can measures aging process through the high technology and can reverse aging based on the nutrients and hormone replacements. Therefore, selected nutrients intake is the basic to stimulate the normal function of pituitary gland. The activated pituitary gland able to produce more Human Growth Hormone (HGH) to maintain the vitality of body cell and keep the body cell young and fresh to slow down the aging process.
Clinical Trial of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
HGH replacement therapy has implemented for a few years which has stated in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, years 1999 on a group of respondents who HGH deficiency for 10 years. The result had shown:
“Based on the Nottiham Health Chart and the psychology and physiology comparison, those respondents had increasing of muscle tissue and decreasing of adipose tissues and fat deposit in lumen. Furthermore, their psychology and emotional had improved after 10 years therapy on HGH replacement:"
A study done by L. Cass Terry to aged 39-74 years old on HGH replacement therapy has found that the both male and female respondents have a good and positive improvement after receiving HGH replacement therapy. Based on the study, the total cholesterol and triglycerides in lipid profile had decreased while the muscle tissue has increased (80% of improvement) while decreasing of adipose tissue (72% of improvement) in body. The improvement had shown as:
- 76%-Improves sexual health
- 84%-More energetic & strong
- 80%-More positive thinking
- 73%-Improves of immune response
- 73%-Better skin elasticity
- 67%-Better emotional management
- 64%-Improves memory power
Scientific Findings of Renowned Scientists
“HGH treatment provides HGH to promote better protein utilization and improves the function and development of muscle. Furthermore, it also reduces the abdominal body fat. Thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases."
New Eng JMed 1989;321 : 1797-03
“You can revitalize and keep your body young, even improve your sexual health through HGH replacement in your body!"
Dr Ronald Klatz, President,
American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine
The HGH clinical research which done by Dr. Daniel Rudman from Medical College of Wisconsin, U.S.A and published in New England Journal of Medicine has found that:
HGH is able to improve the aging problems. 12 respondents aged 61-81 were taking HGH for 6 months. The result has shown:
“HGH treatment provides HGH to promote better protein utilization and improves the function and development of muscle. Furthermore, it also reduces the abdominal body fat. Thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases."
New Eng JMed 1989;321 : 1797-03
“You can revitalize and keep your body young, even improve your sexual health through HGH replacement in your body!"
Dr Ronald Klatz, President,
American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine
The HGH clinical research which done by Dr. Daniel Rudman from Medical College of Wisconsin, U.S.A and published in New England Journal of Medicine has found that:
HGH is able to improve the aging problems. 12 respondents aged 61-81 were taking HGH for 6 months. The result has shown:
- Mass lean muscle increased 8.8%
- Body fat reduced 14.4%
- Skin thickness increased 7.11%
- Bone density increased 1.6%
- Liver function increased 19%
- Spleen function increased 17%
Conclusion: Dr. Daniel Rudman concluded that respondent looked like younger 20 years!
Dr. L. Cass Terry from Medical College of Wisconsin, U.S.A published a study research in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism had shown:
HGH is able to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides level among the 39-74 years old respondents. Furthermore, the result had shown:
The Unique of YFA Young Formula
Dr. L. Cass Terry from Medical College of Wisconsin, U.S.A published a study research in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism had shown:
HGH is able to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides level among the 39-74 years old respondents. Furthermore, the result had shown:
The Unique of YFA Young Formula
- Excellent nutrient base anti-aging formulation
The formulation of YFA Young Formula is based more than 100,000 nutrition anti-aging studies which is an excellent nutrition product to fight with the aging. YFA Young Formula is totally natural which promotes cell rejuvenation and repairing at cellular level to give continuously anti-aging effects. YFA Young Formula is not dependency such as hormone replacement therapy etc which only provide instant but short term effect for beauty and young. - Comprehensive anti-aging formulation
YFA Young Formula is a unique formulation which promotes triple anti-aging effects through hormone stimulation, energy production and anti-oxidation effects to keep the body cell young and fresh always. YFA Young Formula is looking for 3 ways anti-aging effect which a big differ from other anti-aging product which more focus in hormone and stimulating hormone production at cellular level. - Rapid absorbable by body cell
YFA Young Formula provides pre-digested nutrients through high biotechnology applied to ensure all the nutrients can be rapid absorbed by body cell at cellular level for better anti aging effects. - 100% natural ingredients, the secret of beauty and young
YFA Young Formula is 100% natural and do not contains any additives or preservatives. Therefore, it is very safe food supplement to promote beauty and young without any side effects for taking for a long period in life.
Main Ingredient:
- Glycine, Glutamine, Vitamin B6, Green Tea Leaf, Magnesium, Fructose Oligosaccharides
- Stimulates the production of collagen to restore skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.
- Reduces pigmentation and spots on face.
- Stimulates hair re-growth and color restoration.
- Improves pre-menopause symptoms (PMS) such as insomnia, mood swings & poor power vision.
Suggest taking once daily or twice daily for those age 45 years old and above. Add a scoop of YFA Young Formula to 250ml water or juices and drink freshly. Suggest taking in morning and before sleep.
Keep at dry and cool place.
Suggest taking once daily or twice daily for those age 45 years old and above. Add a scoop of YFA Young Formula to 250ml water or juices and drink freshly. Suggest taking in morning and before sleep.
Keep at dry and cool place.
Vege-Fruit Fibre
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You should aware your Gastro intestinal Health.
High stress lifestyle can strongly affects gastro intestinal health. People who living in urban area suffers from high stress condition and unhealthy dietary intake (high fat, salt and sugar intake but low fibre intake) are high risk of gastro-intestinal problems. Therefore, proper dietary intakes with healthy lifestyle are the basic way to promote better gastro intestinal function and prevent:
High stress lifestyle can strongly affects gastro intestinal health. People who living in urban area suffers from high stress condition and unhealthy dietary intake (high fat, salt and sugar intake but low fibre intake) are high risk of gastro-intestinal problems. Therefore, proper dietary intakes with healthy lifestyle are the basic way to promote better gastro intestinal function and prevent:
1. Do you face difficulties to go to toilet?
2. Do you take three types of vegetable and two types of fruits daily?
3. Do you keep sitting longer than standing every day?
4. Have you been skipping exercise due to busy schedule?
5. Do you often feel tired and sleepy?
6. Is your shirt bought last month too tight for you now?
7. Is your skin darkening and losing of elasticity?
8. Do you experience increasing of blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol level?
Some Statistic and treat you should bear in mind.
More than 80% of chronic diseases are caused by constipation and self-poisoning. Cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity etc are now a big treat for us. Colon cancer is a fatal disease after lung cancer. Various researches found that constipation is the main cause of colon cancer. World Health Organization reported that 90% of cancer cases are caused by environmental factors and improper diet. Genetic inheritance contributes to only 5-10% of cancer cases
Some facts you should trust.
“Bowel health is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Unhealthy bowel is the main cause of illness and it affects every one of body system. If …"
Dr Norman Walker
“Bowel health is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Unhealthy bowel is the main cause of illness and it affects every one of body system. If …!"
Prof Dr Pierre Michetti
Mucoid plague - where toxin and harmful bacteria start.
Mucoid plague is accumulated stool on colon wall. It is associated with various kinds of diseases. Based on some medical studies, mucoid plague is a main body environmental toxin which can cause unclean blood, low oxygen level, malnutrition, unhealthy cell, thus increases the risk of forming fatty liver, diabetes, narrowing artery, cancer, tumor, aging, hypertension, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, gut bladder stone, kidney stone, bowel diseases, fatigue etc.
The Unique of Vege Fruit Fibre
More than 80% of chronic diseases are caused by constipation and self-poisoning. Cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity etc are now a big treat for us. Colon cancer is a fatal disease after lung cancer. Various researches found that constipation is the main cause of colon cancer. World Health Organization reported that 90% of cancer cases are caused by environmental factors and improper diet. Genetic inheritance contributes to only 5-10% of cancer cases
Some facts you should trust.
“Bowel health is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Unhealthy bowel is the main cause of illness and it affects every one of body system. If …"
Dr Norman Walker
“Bowel health is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Unhealthy bowel is the main cause of illness and it affects every one of body system. If …!"
Prof Dr Pierre Michetti
Mucoid plague - where toxin and harmful bacteria start.
Mucoid plague is accumulated stool on colon wall. It is associated with various kinds of diseases. Based on some medical studies, mucoid plague is a main body environmental toxin which can cause unclean blood, low oxygen level, malnutrition, unhealthy cell, thus increases the risk of forming fatty liver, diabetes, narrowing artery, cancer, tumor, aging, hypertension, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, gut bladder stone, kidney stone, bowel diseases, fatigue etc.
The Unique of Vege Fruit Fibre
1. A complete formulation for body detoxification
Vege Fruit Fibre provides a series and complete tools to promote better detoxification at gastro intestinal level. Vege Fruit Fibre provides:
Vege Fruit Fibre provides a series and complete tools to promote better detoxification at gastro intestinal level. Vege Fruit Fibre provides:
o Fibre: bulking and removes the wastes which accumulated at gastro intestinal. Furthermore, its helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
o Friendly bacteria: Maintains the balancing of micro-flora in gastro intestinal. Besides, it’s helps to synthesis B complex and prevent inflammatory.
o Enzymes: Promotes better food digestion and better nutrient absorption at cellular level.
o Fructose Oligosaccharide: Food for friend bacteria and prevents constipation.
2. Natural Food supplement
Vege Fruit Fibre provides all natural and non GMO ingredients in formulation. Furthermore, Vege Fruit Fibre does not contain any additive such as coloring or flavoring and preservatives. Therefore, its natural formulation is safe for normal consumption and able to promote optimal health of gastro intestinal.
Vege Fruit Fibre provides all natural and non GMO ingredients in formulation. Furthermore, Vege Fruit Fibre does not contain any additive such as coloring or flavoring and preservatives. Therefore, its natural formulation is safe for normal consumption and able to promote optimal health of gastro intestinal.
3. Do not cause any side effects
Vege Fruit Fibre do not contains any stimulants which can cause abnormal diarrhea and stomach cramps. The consumption of stimulants for long term can reduce the gastro intestinal power and can increase risk of Irritable Bowel Syndromes (IBS) and mal absorption at cellular level. Vege Fruit Fibre.
Vege Fruit Fibre do not contains any stimulants which can cause abnormal diarrhea and stomach cramps. The consumption of stimulants for long term can reduce the gastro intestinal power and can increase risk of Irritable Bowel Syndromes (IBS) and mal absorption at cellular level. Vege Fruit Fibre.
Main Benefits:
1. Promotes better bowel movement and prevents constipation.
2. Removes accumulated toxins to prevent skin diseases and promote healthy skin.
3. Prevents rapid absorption of sugar into bloodstream & normalize the blood sugar level.
4. Prevents over absorption of fat and bad cholesterol into body to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
5. Reduces food intake to achieve an idea weight management.
6. Prevents ulcer and tumor or cancer formation.
Add 1 scoop of Vege-fruit Fibre to 300-400ml water and drink immediately after mixing well. Please drink more water after taking Vege Fruit Fibre.
For maintaining body weight: Take 3 times before meal daily, 1 scoop for each time.
For reducing body weight: As meal replacement, take 1 scoop every 4 hours; 4-5 times daily.
For general health: Take 1-3 times before meal daily, 1 scoop for each time.
For eliminating mucoid plague: Take 1 scoop every 3 hours, 6 times daily.
Suggest do not taking with ATP Zeta products to prevent low absorptions of ATP products at cellular level.
Suggest taking Vege Fruit Fiber after 15 minutes taking ATP Zeta Products. Otherwise, please take ATP Zeta Product an hour later taking Vege Fruit Fibre.
Keep in dry and cool place.
Suggest do not taking with ATP Zeta products to prevent low absorptions of ATP products at cellular level.
Suggest taking Vege Fruit Fiber after 15 minutes taking ATP Zeta Products. Otherwise, please take ATP Zeta Product an hour later taking Vege Fruit Fibre.
Keep in dry and cool place.
Organic Youth Care Cleansing Bar
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Did you know that some soaps, hair shampoos, body washes, skin care products even fragrance which we use daily may cause cancer someday?
Based on the Consumers Association of Penang, at least 50 out of 120 selected branded household products in Malaysia contains carcinogen! Moreover, 10 of the carcinogen agents can penetrate into human body through our skin.
Many skin care products contain artificial chemicals which may cause skin allergy, dry skin, and rashes and increase the risk of dermatitis and skin cancers!
Organic Youth Care Cleansing Bar is natural & organic to any skin types. It contains organic certified and the purest of plant base essential oils, as the best natural moisturizer for your skin. It can leave the skin feeling soft, and keep skin looking healthy and radiant. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Cleansing Bar can relieve the effects of itching and inflammation of skin especially for those have dry and sensitive skins.
Based on the Consumers Association of Penang, at least 50 out of 120 selected branded household products in Malaysia contains carcinogen! Moreover, 10 of the carcinogen agents can penetrate into human body through our skin.
Many skin care products contain artificial chemicals which may cause skin allergy, dry skin, and rashes and increase the risk of dermatitis and skin cancers!
Organic Youth Care Cleansing Bar is natural & organic to any skin types. It contains organic certified and the purest of plant base essential oils, as the best natural moisturizer for your skin. It can leave the skin feeling soft, and keep skin looking healthy and radiant. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of Cleansing Bar can relieve the effects of itching and inflammation of skin especially for those have dry and sensitive skins.
Organic Youth Care Cleansing Bar is biodegradable which friendly to environment. Give your skin an excellent protection care & enjoy your organic life.
Ingredient of Organic Youth Care Cleansing Bar
- Biodynamic Macadamia Oil, Organic Vanilla Extracts
As natural cleanses which can removes impurities, leaving skin clear, fresh and clean. - Coconut Oil extract, Organic Almond Oil, Organic Olive Oil
As natural moisturizer which can moisturizes & texturizes the skin to prevent skin drying especially after bathing. - Organic Sunflower Oil, Biodynamic Avocado Oil, Australia Kakadu Plum Extracts
Promotes skin repairing & rejuvenation at cellular level. This is an extra skin nourishment treatment to promote collagen production for better skin health. - Palm Oil Extractions
As natural anti-oxidant which can neutralize the free radical in body thus to protect the skin from oxidized. - Pentasodium pentetate, Organic Olive Oil
As natural anti-bacteria & anti-inflammatory agents which can reduce plenty of skin infections & allergy reactions.
- Synthetic chemical and animal ingredient free.
- Certified Organic of ingredient & manufacturing standards.
- Absolutely suitable for sensitive skin & scalps.
- Excellent quality products with reasonable price.
- Artificial fragrances
- Synthetic preservatives
- Petrochemical by-products
- Tar derivatives
- Harsh detergents
- Sodium lauryl sulphate
- Propylene glycol
- Lard, tallow or animal fat
- Mineral phosphates
- Animal ingredients
Gently massage with circular motion onto body.
Rinse off thoroughly.
Please keep the bar dry after used.
Contact Me for More Information:
WhatsApp/HP: +60108125163