Health management
People are not only looking financial freedom life, but also very concern towards a healthy, energetic and young always lifestyle. Therefore, people are looking a healthcare system which able to maintain the health and prevent plenty of chronic diseases.
However, we are now suffering from high risk of diseases formation due to the environmental pollutions and unhealthy of dietary intake. We suffer from toxins accumulation due to the pollutants penetrates into body through any sources of pollutions. Furthermore, the body cell suffers from cell damage due to the unhealthy dietary intake, stress and lack of exercise. These factors can decreases the normal function of body systems and increase the risk of chronic disease.
We are living under an unchangeable environment pollution conditions. We are living weak and weaker in future if the health issue can not be solved in further. Therefore, nutrition supplement is one f the basic needs of preventive care for each family and individuals. The proper nutrition care provides a good and balance nutrient for body cell to promote optimal total health balance towards a healthy, energetic and longevity life.
Health is starts from Cell
Cell is the basic unit to build human health. Therefore, we need meet the basic nutrient requirement through proper and balance nutrition diet to promote health growth of body cell thus achieves a healthy and longevity life.
Base on the cellular nutrition study, oxygen, water, nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fibre etc are the basic elements to promote total health balance among the body cells. The balance nutrients and oxygen supply stimulates the ATP production at mitochondrial to maintain normal cellular metabolism through detoxification, cell repairing & rejuvenation and cell protection.
CellAdenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the basic biological energy which plays an important role in cell functions. There are more that 6 trillion cells in the human body, working together to perform the myriad operations necessary to sustain life. Each cell contains about 1200 mitochondrial and science has recognized that these mitochondrial are separate entities with their own DNA; separate from the DNA of body. The ATP which produces by mitochondrial through glucose metabolism at cellular level will be supplied to every cell to enhance the normal functions. Therefore, the activation of mitochondrial is the can be a suitable measurement of basal metabolism rate which is the key of health and vitality. Based on the study, mitochondrial can provides 25% of total weight of active and healthy cell.
ATP Zeta Super Health Program
ATP Zeta Super Health Program is a perfectly designed program which aims to eliminate various diseases caused by current polluted environment, unhealthy dietary intake and lifestyles. The program is formed based on the research on human aged over hundred years old by a team medical and health professionals. ATP Zeta Super Health program is recognized and promoted through Superlife Team (A team of > 30 global medical and health professionals who involved in health promoting and medical researches). This program is combines modern medicine, nutrition and dietitian to promote healthy, vitality and longevity for human !
ATP Zeta Super Health Program is focus in biological energy (ATP) at cellular level. The stimulating of ATP production at cellular level can increase the metabolism thus to maintain normal function of body systems. In other word, ATP is the basic biological energy to sustain life of organisms. This excellent program is emphasizing in nutrient absorption through membrane ion channel to provide a complete and balance nutrients for cell health. Therefore, ATP Zeta Super Health Program provides ionized and high zeta potential (high bioavailability) nutrients to enhance the absorption at cellular level.
Why ATP Zeta Super Health Program?
1. The Principle of Theory is based on Membrane Ion Channel Theory, A Nobel Prize in Biomedical, year 1992
Nutrient is the base of life sustaining! However, based on the physiology and clinical nutrition studies, the human digestion ability has decreasing due to the environment pollution and metabolism disorders. Therefore, we suffer from nutrient mal-absorption if the digestive system cannot work and cope it. The un-digested foods have been fermentate and create a lot of by products and toxins in the body. Toxins accumulations at the cellular level can cause cell aging and damaged if the condition out of controlled. ATP Zeta Program provides a complete set of nutrients in ionic or high bioavailability which able rapid absorbable by body cell through the membrane ion channel. This is the new finding to enhance nutrient providing to meet the body needs and reduce plenty of mal-absorption or toxins accumulation issue at the cellular level.
2. Biotechnology and Nanotechnology applied
ATP Zeta Provides a full spectrum product which biotechnology and nanotechnology applied to present rapid absorbable nutrient to body cell. This is very important to ensure better nutrient absorption for body when we all facing difficulty in food digestion and nutrient absorption due to the toxins accumulation in body.
3. Presenting in pure powder and liquid forms
ATP Zeta provides health products in pure powder & liquid forms which able to promote rapid absorbed by body cell. The high absorption can reduces workload of digestive system and prevent toxins accumulation at cellular level.
4. Natural plant sources which do not contains any animal ingredients. Therefore, there are no any side effects
ATP Zeta provides nutrient which 100% extracted from natural plant sources and do not contain any animal elements in the production. Furthermore, the nutrient products are free from any preservatives, additives which 100% meets the basic requirement of safety food standard. These natural nutrition products are safe for consumption and do not cause allergy and side effects.
5. A complete prevention nutrition program to achieve vitality, beauty and healthy
ATP Zeta provides a complete cellular healthcare system to promote total health balance. ATP Zeta Super Health Program provides a pathway to activate the function of mitochondrial through sufficient of oxygen and nutrient supplies. The high level of ATP can supply to everybody cell to promote better detoxification, cell repairing and rejuvenation and cell protection. This is the basic way to minimize the risk of chronic diseases and keep the body energetic always thus to promote better anti aging effect of body.
The Benefit of ATP Zeta Super Health Program
ATP Zeta Super Health Program promotes better nutrient absorption at cellular level and stimulates Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) product in mitochondrial. The ATP production plays an important role to:
1. Body Detoxification - reduces toxin accumulation and prevents cell from damaged. Furthermore, detoxification promotes better oxygen & nutrients supply at cellular level.
2. Cell reparing & rejuvenation - speeds up cell repairing process and promotes better cell duplication to replace aging cells. This is the basic way to enhance normal function of system in body and keep the body young and energetic.
3. Cell protection - Activates the immune cells to build internal and external protection of body cell. The external protection is important to prevent virus or bacterial infections while the internal protection is important to prevent the development of abnormal cell such as cancer cell in body.
The body cell can healthy growth and regulates the normal function in body if we can provide abundant of oxygen and nutrient supplies through the healthy lifestyle and diet. ATP Zeta Super Health Program stimulates the ATP production at cellular level to enhance cell detoxification, cell repairing & rejuvenation and build up the main cellular protection through immune system. Therefore, ATP Zeta provides a complete cellular healthcare system toward a healthy, beauty, vitality and longevity life for human being.